I woke up to a day that I just have to share! Windy, rainy and power out..I thought to myself give me strength Lord! WHY OH WHY! Rushing kids off to school. Ella hugging me" Saying Mommy what are we gonna do"..I thought...We are going shopping..For groceries..don't get all excited yet ladies! So we did.. got back home..still no power..and guess what? Early release..ok three kids, no power..we are going to my sister Holly's....On the drive over there we pass the utility guys putting up a brand new pole and hauling off with the one that snapped in half! Ok..I see.. now moving on...Decided I should stop at the post office and pick up mail and I reach in the box and I got a YELLOW SLIP people! YES! I got a package! So I go up and show the nice lady behind the counter she promptly goes back..I pretend no big deal..while "looking at my mail"..only to hear screams coming from the nice lady"Oh My word! Its huge! Oh! I can 't even lift this! Oh My! It that my package? Well, yes it is!!!! The anticipation is killing and I feel like a scream is coming on! She comes around the corner! AAAWWW OOOO Its a huge package! "I don't think you can carry this in one trip" says the nice lady..Ha! I think I can says I!...I turn around and say ever so calmly could you ladies hold the door? HEHE I came carrying the package to the van and my three kids start screaming What is that mommy! I don't know kids! open up the hatch! I scream! Lots of scrambling and pushing to get to the back !I'm ripping off tape and cutting with my keys!!! Yes! It my gift I won from
It's So Very Cheri!
She offered the beautiful Veranda Hospitality Set to those who left comments..and yes I did and that is what came in that great big box along with some yummy looking cobbler! I am saving that for my Harvest party! Thanks to you both Cheri and Tamara! You ladies are so wonderful! They worked together to help me out with some computer glitches and I really appreciate it! Go check these nice ladies out!
I also had more screams to share that day! My daughter Camalee won Three awards from her volleyball team! I will post more on that later cuz I wanna post on her exclusive! I seriously screamed for her each time she was awarded! So I had the best day!!!! And I had to say, Thank You Lord for THIS day! Thanks for stopping by! Love Ya! Mean It! Stephanie
Congrats...that's a delightful giveaway...lucky you!
Congrats on many fronts!! First for your darling daughter, second on your gift, and third on making the most on what was an otherwise dreary drab day! Such a nice approach to life! Blessings.
waaaaahhhh... now I'm screaming me guts out! Its-ah-very-nice..(with the accent there too)
Well done and congrats my dear!
Glas to read you're doing well so I'll send only one kiss and hold on to the rest till later. (*/^)
Sceams fro YOU, what a fun ending to a not so good start to your day!
Isn't it just fab to scream with glee???? smiles.
Oh congrats!! So glad your day picked up!! :P That dish is to die for!~
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