That's right! I copied Martha once again... only this time I did a costume a few years ago for my daughter Camalee....I could not find the photos of Camalee so I popped this costume on Ella and she is my little Rose Garden fairy!

I bought a little ballet outfit for Camalee one year for a pink party she had with some of her friends and so to save a little money I pulled it out again and grabbed my glue gun found some silk flowers,tulle butterflies, tulle, ribbon and a little picket fence to make into a crown...

Here is a close up..I also bought silk slippers from the dollar store and glued the same on them...they didn't make it to Ella but that's OK..

I love this picture because of her freckles!! And her little pout! She was really modeling for me!

She is so beautiful and so is Camalee..I am so blessed with two girls! They bring out the girl in me! Thanks for stopping by! Love Ya mean it! Stephanie
Oh my, so sweet! She must feel like a little princess. Well done!
Oh my gosh! Good for you, I love to hear about anyone who can copy Martha from the dollar store!!!That's what creativity will get you, smiles.
oh how cute.. well you are a good mom.. better than I was when my wee girl was her age. I put my daughter into a very large clear garbage bag then filled it with oodles of small colorful ballons and then tied some whimsy ribbon around her neck. I simply told her to tell anyone who asks what she was that she was a bag full of jelly beans. Ah, that didn't go so well when she showed up at a halloween party with all her friends there.. they (meaning her friends) ran around popping her 'beans' and soon she was just a clear bag. I just fel so bad for her that night. Lessoned learn; halloween 101 for mom's.
But this baby is all set for halloween.. you go 'mom'.. heehee.. and if you stick ballons around her head, she'd be a bubble fairy.. (heehee) okies okies, so tell me to shaddup.
kiss kiss
Aw, she's so beautiful! I love how that turned out! What a cutie pie...
Martha from the dollar store. So great. those girls are precious, and so are the costumes!
i know me and ella are adorable mom
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