Well, here it is my barn all gussied up for last years harvest party! This view is from the stairs. Danny built the benches and connected two old craft tables together and we had a table for many..which we filled right up!

This is the improv kitchen..nothing is permanent yet as we are just gathering ideas..and things to make it a working kitchen! All crock pots and breads on this counter! Each family brings their favorite soup and bread and we all taste each of them..so yummy..

I really wanted to stain the benches but didn't get around to it..didn't this year either..I grabbed up the table cloths on a sale rack and used them last year and may even use them again this year we will see..The ladder above is an antique that my father in law gave m
e thinking I could use it somewhere...I knew right where I would use it and it became a chandelier!

The entrance to the barn..loved doing this! It looks so inviting to me..as I look back at the these photos!

Our bonfire area! I love it! It was fun for everyone and was a great place to visit..All the pictures are before the party...Afterward our drive-way was a happy mess..may have to put this out in the grass next time! Anyway a little sneak peek as to what I did last year...now I gotta get busy and do it again! I will post other pics to show ya the fun we had..Thanks for stopping by! love ya mean it! Stephanie
This looks like so much fun!
Thank you for sharing it with us...smiles.
Wow, this looks like it would be so much fun!! I love the ladder over the table- perfect for pumpkin chandeliers! ;)
ladder as chandalier? I'm in LOVE...
So, how do you get an invitation to this shindig???
It looks like a whole lot of fall fun!
You are so creative! Looking at your blog is like reading a country decor magazine...
Holey barnalicious! I love this place!
I don't have much time to visit right now, but I'm following you and you're def on my bloggy list.
Thanks girl! I'll be back to swoon/sob/squeal/comment before you know it!
Funky Junk Donna
How lovely! You make it look so inviting. Can I come?????
Hi Steph! OH MY!! You did an awesome job! How did I miss this wonderful event??!! Was I not on the invite list?? ;o) You are right it looks so inviting!! I know everyone had to have had a blast! How wonderful of you!! You get the vote for Mrs. Hospitality!!
Show us some more!!!
Blessings Gal!!
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