I was just minding my own business getting ready to just relax and enjoy a nice few minutes alone when it happened..I flipped open to my brand spanking new Ballard Design magazine when I saw the most lovely headboard I have seen in a long time..A Planked Wood Headboard..is it not so delish! I would love to pile this high with white, white, white! pillows, throws and old linens!! At the price of $299.oo it would be such a steal too! I doubt at this time I will be able to splurge on a whim..but a girl can dream right? My mission style bed and dresser are still a favorite of mine..but the barn at The Whispering Creek House now that is another matter...the rooms do need some beds right? hmm...I'm gonna dream on that!....

A close up for you too..Thanks for stopping by! Love Ya! Mean it! Stephanie
ooh, I love it too. $299? I thought, ouch. I'm sure you could makie this on your own, no? ;) Bet you could- you've got a nack. Happy weekend!!
Ps. I gave you an award! Stop by my blog to check it out!
Very nice! If you can't make it yourself maybe in his spare time between studying Danny could:)
if one had a handy dandy-handy- man Danny in the family ...one could have him the handy-man make it!
cityfarmer could stencil the name of a chic paris hotel and make a beautiful logo across the wood that the hand-dandy- handyman Danny crafted ... for not alot of $$$$
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