I knew he was on his way home.. so that was a comfort already..but what I want you to know here is that I asked for what I needed..to many times my friends share with me they are to afraid to ask for what they need when it comes to physical touch..don't be..its the one love language guys really want to understand..even though they instantly think yes! we need to teach them by telling them "I want to be held"...."I' d like to hold hands"..."I only need a foot rub"..our job is to be kind and gentle here.. men can get the feeling of rejecting very easily ..so be sweet and explain what it is you really are wanting..it tends to go better and if something comes of it well.....hey.
The love language of physical touch is a God given gift! Society has made it rude and crass...but it wasn't meant to be that way..it is made to express love to one another equally! Giving and receiving not taking and making....it is to be gentle, kind, patient.. thinking of the other above self...beautiful..I hope you enjoy this language..it is wonderful...it is love...The song of Solomon is the best example of physical touch that you can read! It is so romantic and passionate and its in the Bible ladies! It's theme is the warm human emotion of love and devotion.."Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine"...(chapter1 verse 1) "My beloved speaks and says to me Rise up, my love, my fair one and come away"...(ch2 v 10) doesn't it sound so loving and passionate at the same time?
Take the time... use your words...clear your mind and devote yourself to this love language..be honest and real..you don't have to have a size 2 body to enjoy this language...you don't have to conform to what the world tells you about this language.. you don't have to do things that are uncomfortable to express yourself because its an equal act..you can discover yourself in this language and actually love it...
I hope you have enjoyed the love language series..I wish you a great Valentine's weekend...filled with love and wonder... thank you for you ideas and thoughts..your funny stories..you sad stories...you proclamations of your love to your husbands and family members..may you all be blessed! Thanks for stopping by! love ya mean it! Stephanie
This was such a wonderful series. Thank you for these oft needed reminders.
G'day Stephanie ~ Lovely write, TY.
Happy Valentine's
Have a loving weekend.
Hugs, Marydon
A close friend of mine once told me that she didn't like to be touched. I will forever remember that. Sadness is what I felt.
EC and I have to touch each other. All day some times. Now I'm not talkin' about THAT. He brushes up against me in the kitchen. I rub his back while he's working on his computer. Kiss his neck.
He asks me to hold him at times. I ask him to rub my shoulders. Oh glory, when he rubs my shoulders! Woo!
Touch is a mainstay for us. There are times when touch is the only way for us to express love to each other in a particular moment.
The most special touch of all is when we are out walking with the boys and the dogs at our favorite wooded park and unexpectedly he grabs my hand, gives it a squeeze and then lets his hand settle into mine. It takes my breath away.
Thank you for doing this series. Reading and writing and pondering about love has drawn me into that beautiful place where all is well and calm, where solace reigns and remembrance of the reasons why I married the man I did come to the forefront of my heart!
Have a wonderful weekend
Holding my husbands hand just might be my favorite thing to do.
Thanks for the series. Happy Valentine's Day to you.
Thank you so much for Everything you did for me this week;)and for sharing so many great ideas about the love languages. Sounds like it made a big impact on all of us readers.
First off, I love this picture you have here. Secondly, you have really inspired me to be a better wife to my husband and to show him more love in the ways that he needs it. :) Thanks!
Just Awesome!!!
My hubby and I will be celebrating our 27th year next month and he is my best friend. Thanks for stopping by, please come back again.
A beautiful series, Stephanie. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Thank you for the nice comments you always leave!
I love hugs and we give them often in my house...a simple hug....well I love back rubs too who am I kidding?? Excellent topic here, I love it, I really like your blog actually and am going to follow. I am a new blogger myself....this is great!
What a wonderfully well done post!!
So glad I found your blog!!
Have a delightful day!!
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