My girls made these for their cousins..so easy! Just some paper mache' heart boxes painted hot pink.. some chalkboard paint for the top..pretty ribbon strung through a hole drilled in the top..a pink bead tied to the ribbon inside to secure it and a piece of chalk tied to the end of the ribbon which can be stored inside when not in use...fill it with candy and you have a gift of love...which bring us to the next love language..receiving gifts...

Receiving gifts is another of my favorites..Danny picked up on this right away in our marriage and he LOVES to give me gifts..my very favorite besides my kids
giggle is the trip to Maui for our ten year anniversary! oh it was the best time of my life! Anyway, gifting is a symbolic way we show our love for the other..if this is your love language you will agree I'm sure! If its your spouses then What are some of the best gifts you have given your loved one?
Please tell us! Getting ideas for the man in my life is really hard sometimes because this isn't really his thing..he actually tells me not to get him gifts! What? Either I'm really bad at this and he figures he's doing himself a favor or he simply isn't interested! lol I would love ideas from you ..so will you give me your best ideas? Jen, I'm not buying Danny a donkey! giggle
What is the best gift you ever received from your loved one?
Hello there, we've never met but I saw you on Lola B's comments & your name intrigued me! So here is the best gift I've EVER received....One year after being married about 5 years & money was VERY tight, my hubby comes home with a totally off the charts amazing bouquet....the kind that would cost well over $100. I'm looking at him like oh no...you did not spend that kind of $$ on me when we are broke!!?? Well, he goes on to tell me that he called a florist and arranged to deliver flowers for her for a couple hours on his (extended) lunch break....in exchange for a beautiful bouquet for his wife!! ahhhhhhh, makes me cry just remembering how touched I was!!
Hard for him to top that one, but I will surely never forget!
Nice to meet you & I'm off now to check out your blog!
I think my favorite gift that my hubby has gotten my was my Christmas gift this year. He had spent the night before hiding clues all around the house and in the morning he woke up early and kept trying to wake me up because he was so excited. It was a long scavenger hunt but at the end I finally found my present and I love it. It was an ipod touch but really, the hunt was the best part!
Sweetie, I would love to read your blog but the background color makes it impossible.
Happy Valentine's
Have a great weekend.
Hugs, TTFN ~Marydon
I had the dearest mother-in-law in the world. She was never judgmental, always thrilled to see me and loved her family immensely. Every year on my husbands birthday I would send her flowers...to thank her for The Most Perfect Husband. I miss her terribly.
Guess what? I have been a follower of yours for awhile now!! You are way too kind with your words to me ~ you totally made my day!
Our whole family, inc me and my Hubby don't have that as a love language! So consequently Christmas is very stressful for us all, as we don't like buying them and don't know how to act when we get them:) I like practical things, so the best gift I got was my very own power scewdriver/drill...I jumped up and down when I opened it and my hubby looked so embarassed!
The best gift ever was from my sweetie...my last marriage had ended when I found my ex in bed with a "friend"...trust has been a problem since. So the best gift ever is that I absolutely trust this man....NEVER thought that would happen, but he is an Eagle Scout in the truest meaning of the term. He deserves my trust....no material thing could beat this...smiles.
My husband is practical. So am I.
He bought me a rug shampooer for Valentine's Day - to clean the rug the dog peed on. Isn't all of this just making you melt with love?
I ask my husband what he would like. After we get passed the comments that start something like, "oh baby, what I'd like..." He usually tells me he is completely happy with his life and everything in it. But he could use some new hankies.
Melting again, I know.
Sorry this spot needs development.
However, EC did buy me a new car last year. And I have to say I love it so much!!!! It's an SUV.
And if you asked him what the best give was/is that I have given him. Two children. He was 52 when we had our first! Everyone on this part of town calls him Abraham. And me, Sara.
I have no suggestions here for anyone. But I love this series.
My favorite gifts are gifts from the heart - the small, handmade gifts my children and now grandchildren have given me; heartfelt words spoken to me or even others; basically gifts truly from the heart.
Today I'll be busy making a birthday dinner for my husband and cute paper flowers with Tootsie Pop centers for my grandkids for Valentines Day.
Hope your Valentines Day is extra special!
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