Be honest..I
mean it...if you have white painted cupboards in your kitchen.....

are they hard to keep up?..like clean and nice looking?....

I really have a romance going with white cupboards..but never really went for it before..I have five kids: two girls and three boys...now please tell me the pros and cons of white in your kitchen..I mean ..I have to do my homework here..and I gotta lean on my blog friends to help me out..so spill it! ..on me ..about white....Thanks for stopping by! love ya mean it! Stephanie
sorry not sure where i found the photos: credit to those who know..
I painted mine with Valspar's semigloss. (I don't know the paint company they matched it to, but i do know it is called enterprise white, which isn't 'stark' white, more like 'glass of milk' white.) They are incredibly easy to keep clean! I didn't do the recommended sand and prime- just primed and painted. I touch up bottoms of doors and areas above the stove once a year or so(which takes ten minutes and makes them look brand-new). I use what every soap or cleaner I am using on the counters, sometimes I even blast them for a second with my steam cleaner. They hold up really well, and make my kitchen look clean and open. I totally recommend them!! I love mine, and would never go back to the oak look they once were!
hi stephanie,
i have white cabinets and i love them. i have two boys, 7 & 3, so they really aren't spending much time 'using' the kitchen. i just wipe them down every now and then and they have held up great. after 6 years, i'd say they could use a touch up here and there but nothing major. i used sherwin williams chef white paint color.
hope this helps!
p.s., I have a toddler that likes to wipe stuff on them, and I have two dogs that beat the crap out of them with their wagging tails. My year old dishwasher hasn't help up as nicely as the paint on these cabinets!! I know they have cabinet paint too- it's high gloss and Im pretty sure they can color it too!
I LOVE my white cabinets and will absolutely do them again in our next house. I have a messy little baby and I still don't have to wipe them down that often. The only thing I would change is the wood of the cabinets I cheaped out and went for a softer wood so it gets chips and dents pretty easy...but I can't say enough how much I love the white!
I want not concur on it. I regard as warm-hearted post. Especially the appellation attracted me to read the sound story.
I would say GO FOR IT! :)
The paint you use will make a LOT of difference and I am sold on the one I used back in November when I painted my cabinets. They still look like I just did them - perfect -- no chipping, peeling, nothing.
The color I used isn't white but it's a very light greenish-grey and what I would think would be fairly likely to be a problematic color like white/ivory. So far, no problems!! :)
I'm happy to "help" (as much as one can do via email) anytime and I did a blog post about the project sometime back in November, I think.
Go for it!! :)
I had 'butter cream' cabinets.. loved em.. and hated em with a passion. Rarely did a teen wipe their hand prior to grabbing a handle.. oh the mess.
Maple here now, easier to work and clean on a daily basis.
Kisses sweet Stephiepoo!!
I used semigloss paint so no, they aren't difficult at all to keep clean! I had white in a previous home as well and I wiped down the heavily used cabinet's handles about the same amount as the fridge handle. I think if you use a glossy paint or a paint sealer in a matte finish if you prefer that, it will be just fine!
What a timely post...as I just finished touching up my painted cabinets this week. I painted some very old cabinets with white oil based melamine paint and they are not hard to keep clean but they do chip on occasion. Especially those that are used very often. I painted them about 3 years ago and have touched them up twice since then. It doesn't take long though - maybe an hour to go around and get any spots. It was certainly a cheap re-do and worth the little effort and time.
Hi there, I love white cabinets~don't have them but grew up with painted cabinets. I well remember having to clean them. However I just heard on HGTV that with purchasing white cabinets you can go to the middle of the road with price because you can't tell the difference with cheap to expensive like you can with stained cabinets. Have fun deciding.
I have white cabinets in the guest house and don't mind them at all. I love white as long as I can white it clean or throw in in the washer!
I guess I am in the minority. While I love the look of white cabinets, I wish I had put in stained cabinets when we built our house. We are empty nesters, but I work full time and just don't keep them as clean as I should. But, everyone else seems to love theirs. The most important thing is to go w/what you really want. I wish I had.
The Benjsmin Moore dealer near me is the best source of info on all things paint! Tons of info on cabinets...smiles.
you'll never turn back ... they wipe off easy ...
good chores for children
what a cute kitchen! You do have to clean them more often. But if you keep on top of it, it only takes a second. When I painted mine years ago in a different house I just kept a small can of paint with some Q tips under the sink for easy touch ups.
LOVE these photos!!!
We don't have white cupboards (they wouldn't look right in our kitchen), but I do like the look of them! My sister just re-did her kitchen and they have white cabinets that look great. She's over at theyellowfrontdoor.blogspot.com
Thanks for visiting my blog.... I love white cabinets! They are not hard to keep clean at all (no kids, just two dogs).
Good post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
I would love white cupboards, but with little hands and a husband that always manages to find grease or oil, I know they would be a constant wiping project going on for me. Happy weekend! :O)
no advice to offer, but so glad you posted this -- i've been having the exact same thoughts!
Nice brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
I am thinking of going white also. I am going to "age" them with the Ralph Lauren brand of gloss. It will hide the dirt and ware. Everything gets old at sometime, right.
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Easily I agree but I dream the brief should have more info then it has.
Well I acquiesce in but I about the collection should prepare more info then it has.
Hi Stephanie,
I love all things white! White as always felt cleaner and crisper to me. What I discovered raising 3 children (2 girls and 1 boy) is that with a descent cleaning regime, your (semi-gloss or gloss...washable) white cabinets will hold up as well to your family's wear and tear as any other finish. Well, as long as your not married to an auto mechanic or perhaps an oil rigger! Good luck to you!
I have white cupboards and I love them. I just wipe them down with a Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser every now and then and they are super clean!
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