Dear Miss Cleaning Lady..why haven't you come?...I look around and cant find you anywhere..the kids are wondering where their socks are and the hubbie is using a washcloth for a towel...I would like to see the floor again..the kids need their bedding washed..and the toilets need a cleaning..where are you cleaning lady? ....anyone else having a hard time getting the cleaning lady to do her job? I have been so disoriented! The New Year has me full of pressure not knowing where to start first..I want to do projects, clean, organize and many other things..but there is only one me..how are you getting started on your lists? Please share your thoughts.. It will inpire the cleaning lady..
tips you say.. hmmm, not sure what your daily schedule is like..
for me I try to keep cleaning on a schedule..
-sheets and whites on Thursday..
-I grab the dyson on Friday and zoom about and then again on Sunday prior to company..
-bathrooms done on Tuesdays
-shopping on tuesdays or if needed due to weather I'll head out with hubs over the weekend
I try to leave Monday and Wednesday's open. Seems to work for me over the past oodles of years.
with love,
my cleaning lady came all day yesterday ... she took the tree down ..sorted all the ornaments ...she did all the laundry ... she changed the bed linens ... she pushed the "clean" button on the oven ... she scoured the laaundry tubs ... and then said she'd be back the next day to finish up ...
I usually prioritize the most important areas to clean and do those first. I give myself breaks in between so that I don't get overwhelmed but not long enough to where I get distracted or give up for now.
I'm doing the same thing! I have a 100 ideas at once and not getting anything actually completed! BUT I have a secret...I have a cleaning lady...my daughter who cleans every week and will happily organize anything I ask her to! Its like this gift that I can keep unwrapping and its worth every $
I do the same thing! Then I take a deep breath and make a list of what needs to be done. Whatever bugs me the most, I do first (normally that ends up being the kitchen or the floors). Then I put music on the stereo and get going. Works most of the time. :)
Oh yeah, but it always takes me a while to get back to normal after the holidays. I do have my decorations put away. That's big for me. ;-)
Ha! I focus on just one small thing...and try to get it done. I too have had a difficult time in my post holiday mode...smiles.
Well, gal...I just start! Then it seems to go from there. Starting is probably the hardest part when you're feeling overwhelmed!! I did my post holiday fridge cleaning, pantry cleaning, and bedroom cleaning. My bedroom becomes the holiday stash it place...UGH! But it is all pretty now...well almost! Gotta get a few things put up in the garage, then all pretty!!
Just go for it gal!! :o)
Love n hugs,
hmm, if you find your cleaning lady, send her my way once your done! :)
I can't for the life of me seem to get caught up on things after CHristmas, the house seems a mess and I don't know where to start... strange thing is I had it all just beautiful and clean by Christmas Eve... what happened? I guess just taking baby steps is the key for me, or one room at a time. Prob with that is by the time I get all rooms cleaned, the first room needs cleaning again!
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