Back in the day when I was superwoman(hehee)...I spent much of my time pondering the role of my life as mother and wife..I believed perfection ruled the day and I strived to be a good wife and mother (which is good)...but in this ceaselessly striving I became very tired and discouraged because I could never measure up..yet here I am looking at Martha Stewart's great ideas on organizing and still have dreams of at least touching neatness and orderliness on my tippy toes..

I mean look at this sweet string dispenser made from a flower pot..easy, inexpensive and cute...

and if only I could have a pantry area like this..

and my linen closet? a sight to behold...(look at those cute laundry clips hot glued to the containers! ) who doesnt want this?

but...I'm not superwoman anymore and that's ok..my goals have changed and I'm just doing the best I can..I like the ideas that come across my path.. they inspire me to be creative.. and I find in these hard times..its hard to do all the projects I want to do because there are more important things to think on and to spend money on..and its ok..doing things that don't cost money can still get me on my tippy toes (mostly dusting and arranging things around.hehee) but for now that's all I can do..its more important to support my husband and keep projects to a minimum so as not to add extra stress to our family..do you find yourself in this position too? I really want to be a good helpmate to my husband and a good mom to my kids.. wait does make me superwoman? hehee ...thanks for stopping by..love ya mean it! Stephanie
I CAN SEE YOUR CAPE from here!
Love that LINEN CLOSET...maybe I can do mine the same way:) Hope you have a HAPPY day!
I used to want to be Martha, too. But now I know that she has help...lots of it....and who could stand to have that many people under foot?....smiles.
What a great post. Being a good wife and good mom makes you THE woman they will always love and that is reward enough.
pa - lease!
That is just too neat!! Though I really do like the basket with wheels on it as a side table.
And Martha has lots of people working for her!!! :)
It is a balance isn't it!
Loving that pantry area (have you seen PW's lodge pantry?) and the clips.
We are all super-women in our own right. Just read all our blogs to see what we are achieving and coming up with ideas that Martha perhaps never even thought about.
I like my linen cupboard to have that 'lived in' feeling. WE can all have dreams, but I think I will stick by you lot and have some fun. Enjoy
You ARE superwoman and doing a great job! Although we all want to strive to be Martha, let's face it, her daughter makes fun of her. lol
Nothing is perfect! Hmmm...but I do want my linen closet to look like that. It's on my list for tomorrow. I organized my hutch today, yay!
great post. You are a supermom being such a wonderful mom... great inspiration from these photos and it's fun to do them without spending money.
Well, I don't have kids yet, but I can relate to putting a lot of pressure on yourself to be the perfect wife! But I think my husband would much rather just have me relax and not be so stressed out all the time. :) Something I need to work on!
I liked to think that at some point in my life I was superwoman. I was organized, on time, laundry always done always had my game face on but these days I am so not. Just check out my blog from a couple days ago, I took a picture of my messy kitchen table for the world to see.
I remember years ago, I had gone on a huge filing craze. I put all important papers in alphabetical order and even color coded them. I showed my mom when she came to visit and she said, "you know, if I were your age, we would so not be friends". I'm not sure if her words hurt, but now I laugh. Who has time to file, I'm lucky if I get a shower in and the kids to where they need to be. God, please say there is clean underwear! I realize now, how it doesn't matter to be perfect, it just matters to be happy and I am learning to do things with joy, it is so much easier!
Okay! so these photos make me swoon! Especially the top one! I'm soooo ready to get to work! Thanks for the inspiration! But I must agree, if it gets to the point where it feels like striving and not just enjoyment then it's gone to far and it's time to reign it in. It's really just for fun for me to organize and not something I allow to rule my life any more. the top pic makes me want to buy mugs with saucers.
Did I tell you yet that Donna Hay is a cooking magazine? But it's a really pretty one! You have to get it at a bookstore cuz it's from australia!
Some cute ideas here Stephanie! I agree that sometimes it's hard to balance it all with so many good ideas out there that we all want to try to imitate and put into place, but it sounds like you have it all in perspective. You ARE superwoman! :-)
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