Helloooo.. MONDAY! Well, first off thanks everyone for the sweet comments on my daughters room..is it not amazing what color can do? I am falling in love with certain blue /teal hues..maybe
I'm just ready for spring...I have been in a decorating slump believe it or not...
January and
February are difficult months for me because I miss the sun so much and feel rather down around this time...sending the kids off to school and my hubby too..kinda gets weird for me sometimes. I guess I wonder what I should be doing right now..
I'm the home cheerleader for my family and sometimes it gets a little lonely being there for them..do you know what I mean? I know it is good and right but I get the feeling
I'm getting a little zapped out and could use a little
TLC for myself...what do you do when you feel like this? Would love to hear some encouraging words from my wise and wonderful friends out there..have a great Monday! Thanks for stopping by! love ya mean it! Stephanie
I understand that feeling! But I've learned that God is wise and knows when I need those times because He is preparing me for busy times ahead, when I'll never have a minute alone! Wrap up in a warm blanket and go sit on your porch and soak up some vitamin D, no sunglasses tho, the eyes are where the vitamin D absorbs! You'll start feeling revived and ready to tackle life:)
you are one talented girl ... I just love it here...mean it!
I feel like that more often than I consider to think about. I decided just yesterday, no lie, to schedule in time for me. I suggested it to my husband. He agreed that time for me should exist in life. I adore being a mom and wife, like you. But we are not, contrary to modern day wisdom, made to be all and do all for everyone all the time. And "scheduling" in time for me, seems, well, kinda weird. But how else will it get done? I can't think of any other way. I cram in time to do this and that creative thing in between whatever else is going on. And then I fall flat. I feel flat.
So I'm gonna try this. Every week will look different. But there will be time for me. My husband will know when it is ahead of time. My boys will know. Everyone will know. My husband agreed to take the boys for the day in case my time was to be spent at home. If not, then they will do something else while I'm out of the house. I have to do this. Especially when the sunshine is limited and I feel like my hips are spreading wider than the door way and my brain feels like mush and my creative juice has spilled out and been mopped away.
I don't have any real answers here. Just hopeful suggestions!
Love your blog. And your creative stuff. Makes me happy!
The weather really does have a lot of impact on us. I know it sounds crazy, but the bad/hard...day are the ones when I have to get up take a shower, get "ready" to some extent. Then I make sure to put on my shoes. I have this thing about putting on shoes to be productive... IF nothing else I hope this made you laugh or feel better knowing there is someone else who is really in need of help... Your Friend, Annonandon
"ME time" is very important!
Oh Daughter you are a good Mom and Wife and you need to know it is all worth it in the long run,Know God will care for you. Be happy and cheer up,Ilove you
i know what you mean...i feel the same in these winter months.
come on over to my blog and join my giveaway....it might help you through the slump. ;)
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