Look what I got for FREE on Craig's list! Can you believe it! I'm thinking I'm going to paint it white to freshen it up and I wondered....... what do you think for the top a dark stain or should I paint the top white too? Let me know what you think...

It has a leaf ( is that how I spell this?) I can pull out when I need to..

And the legs are smokin' !!! heehee...

Next, is to paint and look for two chairs and see if I can sweet talk Danny into making some benches...this is going to go on the porch to give some farmhouse charm..

I found this at Goodwill for $2.99..Im going to paint it and figure out what and where its going to go..

I think sideways will look good ..which is how the checkout guy looked at me when he saw this..I'm thinking a Whispering Creek House sign for the porch too..O I cant wait to get to all this fun..but its like a freezer outside right now! It's 43 degrees out and feels like its gonna snow.. I have something to look forward to and that's so good..Thanks for stopping by! Love ya mean it! Stephanie
Awesome finds Stephanie! FREE????? Unbelievable. If you're going to restain the top I think dark would be really pretty. Otherwise all white would be nice too. Not a right or wrong really, just personal preference. Can't wait to see your finished redos!
Stephanie, you got one amazing find. and for free. OK, I have a set almost like this that I bought 7 years ago new. It's not quite the same, and with chairs. mine is Thomsasville and cost us a pretty penny. My point is that the finish on top is wearing thin and it needs to be redone. I would love to stain it darker, but the chairs have the same stain finish. I'm really looking for help on it. It matches the china cabintet and chairs so I'm just looking to refinish the top I guess. Let me know what you decide. I'll be hanging on every word and step!
That table is so perfect and the frame is outstanding! You have incredible luck.
It's 13 degrees here in NE Oklahoma this afternoon, not counting the windchill. Brrrr!
What great finds!! You can always paint over stain, but you cannot stain over paint! Either would look good.
you lucky dog you!! Nice snag there.. (you rat).. heehee.. only teasing.. now I can't wait to see what you'll do with em .. post a follow up please!!
with love,
I've been dreaming of a frame like that to make into a bulletin board! Awesome find!I'm at http://missy-at-lilac-legacy.xanga.com/
Oh my land, I just LOVE that mirror frame! I think that the idea of hanging it sideways and putting a house sign on it is SUCH a cute idea! I love that table too...
Great finds. Can't wait to see what they look like when they are completed.
I love FREE!! What a fantastic find! I would leave the legs chippy and stain the top dark, giving it the rustic farmhouse look :) Can't wait to see it all done :)
I can't believe you got that table for FREE! That is so exciting! Now I have the urge to go look on craigslist myself :)
You do beat all, honey! I think you should've offered the sellers a penny at least:) I love the idea of a table on the porch...cool
I agree...dark stain on the top. Love the frame too...so many ways to go with that. I have one thing: was that a complaint about the weather? Did you say 43 degrees and mean ABOVE zero?? The wind chill here tomorrow morning is going to be 38 BELOW. No school again. I will be calling you :)
the dark stain would look wonderful on it!! Great find!!!!
Okay, you TOTALLY scored! Free? and that mirror? I can't wait to see them transform.
Perfect for a porch. Okay, perfect for anything really- it's FREE!
I've been dying for it to warm up here too. Spray paint can't dry when it's in the low 20's :(
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