It is been so cold here that friends of ours are out ice skating! I do miss that! We use to skate on our slue (that's water that is sitting in the field for non- farm kids) that froze in the S.D. winters...I remember getting my first pair of skates..they were pure white with red trim..I still have them around here somewhere..I had them sent out to me along time ago..I remember times I went into Watertown with my cousins and skated around the ice rink at the zoo.. the city would flood the park and make the best skating there was to be had! How do I describe this? The park is full of snow and the ice rink is banked up to hold the water til the ice is frozen. The street lights would be the only light and it was so silent that you could hear your skates as they hit the ice.. Your breath is freezing in the air ..it seems.. and your rear end and legs have no feeling..You take off and feel the layout of the ice and start gliding around as you get your balance..and suddenly you KNOW ..its time to
really go and you pump your arms and legs and the wind is blowing through your hair and your nose is red and numb and your just going...and your body is strong and in perfect balance..and you feel alive! The trees and lights and the buildings are a blur and you just go faster and faster and you decide its time to do a few tricks and you pop up and twist and start pushing your legs to skate backwards! Skating around your friends and teasing them trying to make em fall..oh to be there again! Can you tell I loved it? I haven't skated in years but I am gonna have to do it again sometime..Why do we let these things that bring us such joy go? Thank you for stopping by! I had fun sharing! love ya mean it! Stephanie
Thanks for sharing your memories Stephanie! I have always wanted to ice skate. Here in GA, the closest we get is going to the local ice rink. I could never roller skate, I couldn't stand on 8 wheels, I can't imagine trying to stand on 2 blades!
I love your skating memories...I did a post on my blog about mine too. I am from farm country and I do know what a slue is! Thanks for sharing.
I've never ice skated until just now, thank you for the exhilerating experience. I was there with you! Have a wonderful Sunday!
Heehee, That sounds like a lot of fun. All the years I lived in New England, I have NEVER been ice skating! And judging by my roller skating skills, I would probably be first to go down! :)
Oh I envy you! I grew up here in the south...and never learned to ice skate, but I loved skating as a child, and would have loved "ice". If I tried it now...well...let's just say, I would have to give up walking...smiles.
Oh Steph!! That sounds absolutely delightful!! You HAVE to do it again!! I had a chance 5 years ago to skate at Rockefeller center in NY and didn't. Too afraid I would hurt my knee or hip if I fell. Bla, bla, bla!!! Sure wish I had, though I did enjoy watching everyone else!!
Wishing you Christmastime wonderfulness gal!!
Love and hugs,
Steph, your post sure brought back memories. I grew up in Milbank, not too far from Watertown. We used to ice skate on the "lake" at my grandparents farm. Have a very merry Christmas!
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