Family tradition has me thinking of this one..Every year my kids get one of these cheery little Christmas mugs at Thanksgiving...it is the highlight of Thanksgiving because they are for one, given by Grandpa and Grandma L... and for the other reason.. they are filled with hot cocoa and candy canes and other little goodies.....

This has been going on for.. I'm not sure.. awhile..and it makes my heart full every year..We have quite a collection..they pick 'em up at various places and they are never the same...the kids run a mad dash to get to them when grandpa brings them in..even the teenagers love getting them..we had my little sister live with our family for about 4 years and they included her just as another grand baby..and so she got one every year too..I think it really helped her to be included and to feel loved..This is one of the special family traditions that we have enjoyed...I hope it never stops this small token from their grandparents..I think it will be one I will do when I am a grandma...We use them every year starting at Thanksgiving..(I have more of them now than regular everyday cups)..and after Christmas I pack 'em up until next year and Thank God for our many blessings..it not about the cups ..my friends.. its about the love that came with them...Thank you for stopping by! Love ya mean it! Stephanie
That's neat. I love fun mugs!
What a sweet tradition! It goes to show that most times it's the gesture that matters, not a 'huge' gift. And now everyone can cherish these mugs for years to come.
What a wonderful idea! I'm a grandma now, think I will tuck this idea away for next year!
I see these little beauties when out thriftn ...What a fun little blessing ....better get to the thrift shop and start a new tradition ....
your full ♥ flows over onto mine
I see these little beauties when out thriftn ...What a fun little blessing ....better get to the thrift shop and start a new tradition ....
your full ♥ flows over onto mine
That seems SO fun! My family passes a creepy old owl figurine from house to house...you never know WHERE it will end up next hehehe
-- Jana
Come say hi! ;)
pk @ Room Remix
I know it's not about the mugs, but I DO love mugs! :-) I think it's an awesome tradition and I'm sure it makes the grandparents so happy when the grandkids are so happy about it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
You are so right, Steph! It is all about the love...but the fun of it all is great too!! I love sipping my coffee out of mugs that have a sentimental value to me. It warms me up and fills my heart with joy!!
Love your pretty decorated console!! Great job!
Have a wonderful weekend!
What a cute idea! Great tradition..
Traditions are priceless! Kids around their grandparents, priceless!
I think it is a lovely tradition. I'm sure your family will keep it going way into the future.
What a wonderful tradition!!!
This is such a sweet tradition! so glad you shared it,
What a great tradition! The mugs are so cute I love hot coco too!
Sometimes the sweetest gifts and the best traditions are ones that are straight from the heart. I love it that the kids appreciate this loving gesture from their grandparents!
hugs and blessings,
holiday traditions...love that!
No my dear, I have not gotten 'the great special holiday hoobie whatie package' in the mail yet.. I wonder if Mr. Postman is using it? He reads my VS catalogs and thumbs through Martha every month... (heehee)
I'll let you know as soon as it arrives!
What a lovely tradition, thanks for sharing!
Stephanie, Thanks for stopping by! I just finished looking through your blog & I think i am in love with it! You are amazing!!! I want to come hang out in the barn with you, drink coffee and talk about faith, decorating & Avonlea! What an amazing place that must be to work! Can't wait to see what'sgoing on next!
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