It was a sad day here this last weekend for our cat- loving daughter Camalee..her sweet kitten Pumpkin met her tragic end while the kids were playing in the barn..older brothers where tossing a plastic pipe to each other when one of the brothers was unable to catch the pipe and it hit little Pumpkin..Pumpkin number#2 for our family, as we gave the Pumpkin #1 to my sister Janel to finish raising..all was calm when we heard Camalee screaming somethings wrong! somethings wrong! Cradling her beloved kitten, one look told me it wasn't good..after watching my little girl hold her dying kitten my heart was breaking.... her brothers grew quiet and little sister was quietly whispering "You can have my kitty Camalee"..I was filled with love for all my children as they came together over this little kitten who had given them so many laughs in her short little life..its really something watching how this all unfolded and I was pleased that my kids reached out to each other to comfort and show love at such a trying time..explaining death wasn't easy but necessary..we had a good talk and as the sun went down Camalee let her dad take Pumpkin away..

before the sun was even up Camalee had already shown tribute to her precious kitty..

and took these pictures to remember..I'm in awe of my children..it feels like we might be doing ok..thanks for stopping by! love ya mean it! Stephanie