Tuesday, February 1, 2011

love dare. day 24. love vs. lust

Day 24
The world is passing away, and also it's lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.-John 2:17
Love vs. Lust
Today's dare
End it now. Identify every object of lust in your life and remove it. Single out every lie you've swallowed in pursuing forbidden pleasure and reject it. Lust cannot be allowed to live in a back bedroom. It must be killed and destroyed-today- and replace with the sure promise of God and a heart filled with His perfect love.
Questions for you:
  • What did you identify as an area of lust?
  • What has the pursuit cost you over time?
  • How has it led you away from the person you want to be?

God be with you all my friends! Thanks for stopping by! love ya mean it! Stephanie

image country living/ book excerpt from the "love dare" by Alex and Stephen Kendrick


BECKY said...

Great stuff, Steph! I snuff out every bit that gets anywhere near me! I abhor it as a matter of fact!

Love and hugs to you gal!
Thanks for sharing this wisdom!!!

Lisa notes... said...

I'm going to have to think outside the box on this one. I don't really have any "things" around that tempt me to lust. I need to control more my thoughts about "if only he would..." or "if he could be more like..."

Julie said...

I wanted to dig into this one...since usually the "L-word" is associated with sexual cravings or pleasure...unrestrained, or self-serving totally in our sexually obsessed society...and more often than not pushed over onto the man and the epidemic proportions of addiction to pornograpy so easily available to all now in the "e-world". So how would I approach this in my heart???
Take the sexual/porn label away, and what do I have to ponder? **LUST - To have an intense or obsessive desire for...overzealous eagerness..."uber-longing"...mega-consuming thoughts...**

I believe that at an earlier point in my life I may have just done that...I "lusted for a farmhouse in the country," the longing to be other than where I was.. I believe I finally was convicted and changed by God to understand it was not accepting and understanding contentment with what God had given me, where he had placed me, and how HE was planning my course...His timing. And then on top of that - not just resigned contentment, but joyful acceptance, knowing it was what was best! and what I wanted was NOT!...otherwise God's best for me would have played out into that farmhouse I craved and longed for.
Anyway..I am looking to see if there are areas that are robbing me away from perfectly loving Kurt, because my thoughts turn to those areas in a craving...such as Lisa wonderfully put it...if only he would, or if only he did.... but instead...seeing the Man God is carving on ...the beautiful diamond in the rough... what a gift God has given me. I need to see all the wonderful facets under the very thin layers of human manhood...He too deserves the best from me, that I want from him...I can only hope he sees the glimmer and sparkle of what is underneath my coaldust...waiting patiently for the day, and not lusting for what I'm not....YET! Hugs to you Stephanie!!!!