Monday, May 24, 2010

dear gray rainy weather..go away!

Well, if it would only quit raining here I might get some things done! Until then..dreaming....the top left is a great example of great woodwork and the use of it! and the red barn/chicken coop...helloooooo! I need one of those..I really do! of course my dream to the bottom will be just like this! (I hope) he heee.... and with all the great stuff that's gonna grow... a girl must have a great place to enjoy it the pink flowers in the metal vase...whew! that was a good time! hope your inspired to get outside..especially if you have great weather..lucky! thanks for stopping by! love ya mean it! Stephanie

unknown image


Ann On and On... said...

Those are very inspiring! I dream of the day that I am able to have my own garden and chickens... Until then, I keep dreaming of the perfect farm. :D

Out in the Fields said...

It sure doesn't feel like summer will ever come! I am just focusing on inside projects so i don't think about it:(

Uncovered Ruby said...

Just saw the weather report, it's supposed to warm up and get drier by the end of the week!!! I need some of God's natural Vitamin D and a chance to paint my many, many projects! Lisa :-)